But I had one final trick up my sleeve.
I'd decided it was about time to pop the question a few months before we left, and even talked to Anna's father and bought a ring. I thought about asking many times in the trip, but the time never quite seemed right, but I was literally running out of road.
The drive into Cape Town is spectacular, with the city overshadowed by the colossal Table Mountain in the background, and eventually stunning sea views sneaking into view, but I can't say I took much in. I was terrified.
I'd always said I would ask before I knew what the answer would be, but that was really adding to the tension. A little bit of google earth research had revealed that the beach at Camps Bay looked quite nice (well, from space at the very least), so I chose there and booked a swanky hotel and a posh dinner in the hope it would be good news.
On arrival I was starting to seek out an appropriate spot, but was desperate for the loo, which didn't seem like the right state to proceed in, so we found a lovely sea front public lavatory. Then whilst Anna washed her hands I picked out a spot on the rocks overlooking the beach.
Under weak pretence I suggested we walk on to the rocks and the dropped to one knee and said my (pre-prepared) bit. (It wasn't really worth pre-preparing, Anna doesn't remember it!)
She said yes!
Which was good, because it would have been a bit awkward otherwise.
I have quite literally never been happier than that moment on the rocks.
The rest of the week was a blur of celebration and packing up our lives ready to head home. What an amazing place Cape Town was to spend that weak.
Our trip over, we boarded our flights after 4 and a half months in motion, time to head back and celebrate with much missed family and friends.